Zurück "Small Town Blues" (Michael Mann) Unten
Titel Small Town Blues
Komposition Michael Mann, 2007
Originalinterpret Waiting For Louise
Klicks 44258
Info Das erste Lied, das 2007 unmittelbar für die neue W4L-CD entstand, mit einem universellen Thema:

Ich wollte schon seit langem mal ein Lied schreiben, in dem ein Fluss vorkommt. So was gibt es ja schließlich auch bei allen großen Songschreibern von Nick Drake, Joni Mitchell, Jimmy Cliff, Tim Buckley, Al Green, Neil Young, Terry Reid und Bruce Springsteen bis hin zu Robert Forster!

Gefundene Versionen
Interpret Titel Label/Jahr Platz
Waiting For Louise "New Tricks For Old Dogs" E=MC², 2008

When you were just a little boy
Playin’ in the woods, playin’ with toys
Did you have a dream about what could happen?

You were sitting by the riverside
Watching all the ships go by
Looking for the day
that you would get away ...

From this dirty mess
From this wasted youth
And now you must confess
That it’s the simple truth:
You got the smalltown blues

The jobs were rough and they were spare
They didn’t get you anywhere
But hey – why complainin’?

The girls were pretty, some were smart
But didn’t try to break your heart
They were looking for the day that they would get away ...

From this dirty mess ...

The small town blues won’t get you there
Never, ever, anywhere
The small town blues - your destiny
Your only friend and company

And now that you’re a broken old man
Dealin’ no longer with that plan
Did you ever knew that this could happen?

Still sitting by the riverside
You watch the ships and realize
You missed the day that you could get away ...

From this dirty mess ...