Die Entwicklung der seinerzeit här- testen Band Britanniens vom rüden "Punk" des Debüts über knalligen R&B zu den ambitionierten, harmonischen Sounds von "S. F. Sorrow" und den psychedelischen Klängen zeigt pracht- und machtvoll die explodierende Kreativität der Sixties.
(stereoplay 10 / 02)
No amount of scrutiny can disguise the fact that this rock opera -- built around a short story by Phil May -- is ultimately a bit of a confusing effort. Although it may have helped inspire Tommy, it is, simply, not nearly as good. That said, it was first, and has quite a few nifty ideas and production touches. The CD reissue on Snapper adds four valuable songs from their 1967-68 singles ("Defecting Grey," "Mr. Evasion," "Talkin' About the Good Times" and "Walking Through My Dreams"). This version of "Defecting Grey" is the original, long, uncut five-minute rendition, and not of trivial importance; it's superior to the shorter one used on the official single.
(by Richie Unterberger, All Music Guide)